Nansi Ellis

Commission Project Lead and Education Policy Consultant

Nansi Ellis is an Education Policy Consultant providing expertise in developing policy, influence and strategy. Her work includes developing and supporting commissions and campaigns, providing policy direction and building relationships for impact. She is co-author (with Gareth Conyard) of the recently published Improving Education Policy Together. She also edited Managing Teacher Workload in 2016.

Previously, Nansi was Assistant General Secretary at the NEU and at ATL, leading the development of education policy and research for both unions. Along the way she has been a primary school teacher (including teaching in Welsh), worked on primary assessment at the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA) and the early years foundation stage at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA).

She is vice-chair of governors of a primary school, and a Trustee for the Association for Citizenship Teaching and for Culham St Gabriel’s Trust.

To contact Nansi about the Commission please email: